Saturday, March 2, 2013

Running the QT5 Cinematic Experience Example on Raspberry Pi

I first saw the QT5 Cinematic Experience video here: 


The video show cased Raspberry Pi running a very fancy QT5 example. I decided I wanted to give this a try on my Pi as well. Unfortunately it was not very straightforward. If you tried to google for instruction on run QT5 on the Raspberry Pi, it'll take you in circles. 

    • This instruction assumes you have a main Linux machine that can be used for cross compiling.
    • This instruction asks you to download the snapshot. However the location no longer exists. 
  • I also tried to use cross-ng to compile my own cross compiler. 
  • Before the cross compiler finishes compiling, I found an existing cross compiler for the Pi. 
  • I then checked out the Qt5 source and tried to compile that using  the cross compiler I downloaded without success.

Took me a couple nights before I figured out exactly what I need to do (turned out to be very simple). Someone backed up a copy of the Qt5 snapshot, and we can simply install from there instead of attempting to build your own cross compiler, cross compiling in Cygwin or Linux, and such. The information came from mainly the following two sources. 


The following outlines the steps I took to get the QT5 Cinematic Experience demo running:

  1. On the Pi: sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
  2. Append: deb wheezy main
  3. Exit vi
  4. Issue: sudo apt-get update
  5. Issue: sudo apt-get upgrade // this will take a while. More than an hour for me. 
  6. Issue: sudo apt-get install libqt5-* // this installs all libqt5 libraries
  7. Download the Cinematic Experience source here:
  8. Unzip the source into a folder of your liking. 
  9. Navigate into your unzipped directory. 
  10. Issue: qmake // this will generate the make file 
  11. Issue: make // compile
  12. Issue: ./Qt5_CinematicExperience // run!